Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

MoreLockers.Com Website Review

I’m not sure how many of my readers have their own school or businesses where they will be needing lockers for their students or employees. However, I’ve seen some metal lockers at garages so they can also be used as household items.
MoreLockers.Com has athletic lockers, steel lockers and other lockers depending on your needs. They have great reviews online. They also have locker accessories like locker shelves, identification plates and locker partitions. These items can also be used in your closets for organization.  If you already have a locker and will be needing a replacement for the locks or bases they also sell those items. You can request a quote for free. They have over 30,000 various lockers to choose from. Now, that’s a lot of lockers.  This post made me miss work because at one of the restrooms, there was a space full of lockers.
I want to thank MoreLockers.Com for allowing me once again to write and share my opinions about locker. This post is brought to you by their website. Please visit them for more information on pricing and locker styles. 

Aloha Tower

We went to Aloha Tower last weekend and here are some of our pictures. It had been awhile the last time we were there. The Aloha tower sits by the ocean so there was a great view and there are a lot of shopping outlets but I did not buy anything, we went at almost night time and a lot of them are closed at the time.

RC was wearing the two piece set from mybabyclothes.com. It is a very cute dress with white top. Thanks to those who entered the last giveaway I hosted for them.

It was getting dark here as you can see from the pictures.

Hawaii map. Kau Kau means food or to eat in Hawaiian.

We were about to head down here so we can eat. I'll share more pictures soon at the restaurant.

For tourists, I think the Aloha Tower would be a good place to visit. A lot of vendors are selling souvenirs and the view is great. If you decide to do a lunch or dinner cruise, you will have to pass by the shopping sites too.

Close up picture of RC's dress.

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Creative Door Handles

For anyone who is a tropical fanatic, these pineapples by the door handles can add a great finishing touches to the doors.  I love pineapples. I know some people don't really care about them. There are a lot of creative unique styles in homes and stores recently that I’ve been finding. I was thinking that we need additional lights when I saw these, they would be good for wall sconces, it just  needs  to be modified. 
We get a lot of natural lighting during the earlier times of the day but when the night comes, it can get dark in our living room. The only place where we have good lighting here is at our kitchen and dining area.  In some areas, we only have lamps. I want to have more lights especially when I do some crafting at night and try to arrange some stuff.
When I was working, I don’t even think about too much details like this before but now I try to entertain myself by browsing at home designs. Although, I can’t buy new furniture, at least I can try to re-arrange them and I can do some DIY projects when I have some time.

This post is brought to you by lampclick.com

Sunday, January 29, 2012

See's Candies

We just had a box of See’s chocolates last week. It was a mix of milk and dark chocolate clusters. It was so good. See’s is known for its quality chocolates. I know two See’s chocolates outlets here and they are very convenient to go to.

See's candies are great for party favors like birthdays, baby showers, weddings etc. I notice a lot of people give See’s during Christmas and Valentine’s season. If it is more convenient, you can also give gift cards. For people out of state, gift cards is what we usually give. See’s chocolates are also being used for fund-raising. See’s have sugar free chocolates if you are looking for a healthier alternative or you just don’t want to put on the weight.

You can search the See’s Candies website for the most convenient location close to you. You can also order and you can filter your search by price or by category. You can even customize the mixture of chocolates that will be placed in a box.

This post is brought to you by sees.com. Please visit their website for more information and for lots of “chocolatey” pictures.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Garden Trellis

I believe a trellis can have more purpose than just a display at a garden. Most people put vines or plants with flowers so they make pretty decorations outdoors. If you love gardening, trellis can be a great addition to a garden. I like to grow my own vegetables someday so we’ll be more self-sufficient. The price of food is continuously going up.

This garden trellis can also be good for those who sell at flea markets or craft fairs. I see a similar display awhile ago when I went to one during the Christmas season. If you have hanging items for display, it would be a good space saver.  Trellises can also be used for indoor plants and other items.  Trellis can also be used for fences but they can be costly that way.   

If you are looking for trellises, you can go to trelliscenter.com. If you’re not looking for one, I think their website can also give some ideas on how to decorate your garden. It’s very easy to navigate and they have a huge selection of other gardening items too. 

This post is brought to you by http://www.trelliscenter.com/.

Jumbo Shrimps With Garlic Butter

I finally managed to take some pictures. Me and RC are having a lot of mom-daughter mini dates but my small camera broke a few months ago and I just don't want to bring the huge DSLR camera.

Here we are at the same Chinese restaurant I blogged about twice before.

This is our only order and rice for two.  RC did not like the shrimp but she liked the sauce. Next time, I won't even order something new that she might not like. She seems to like all kinds of chicken though.

Who needs a menu when there's daily specials posted on the wall? I ordered the first one on the list, the jumbo shrimps with garlic butter and since I can't think of a good title for this blog post, I thought the name of this food will do.

Painting a butterfly with non-toxic glitter paint.

I can't make my apartment clean.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. I will have more giveaways and reviews coming soon. Please continue to support my blog. Thanks again for being here.


Authored by Greg Fletcher

It’s finally here. In 3 days I get to marry by best friend. Since she’s been busy with all of the wedding planning, I relegated myself to getting our house set up. No, I’m not talking about decorating or even picking our what side of the closet or dressers will be mine (I figured she would want to do all of that stuff). My job is getting the essential services set up at our new home. Since there is only one gas and electric provider in our area, setting up those services were a breeze. And since the county government controls the water where we live, that was pretty much set up for us too. The fun came when trying to find affordable internet, telephone and cable service. Thankfully, a coworker suggested I look at www.directstartv.com to get a good deal on cable. Now if there were only a cheap internet and phone provider in the area. I’ve heard that some companies will allow you to bundle services for a cheaper rate. Does anyone have any idea where I can go to find one of those?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: I've Been Busy With...W/ Linky

... eating junk
... folding and sorting clothes

... taking these cans to the recycling center

... selling at craigslist.
This doll house is  my first sale selling at craigslist where
 I met somebody in person.
I haven't been commenting back as usual but I am visiting you back. Thanks for being here, every visit counts! While you're here, please enter the giveaways I am currently hosting. They are located at the upper right corner of this blog.

Link up your Wordless Wednesday posts here!

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Bling for Valentine's Giveaway! $130 Paypal WW Ends 2/10

Enter this great giveaway! OpenWorldwide.  Please read more about the rules at the bottom of the rafflecopter form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why People Use a Mac Computer

I was just reading about why people use a Macintosh computer and mainly the answer is because it runs without viruses. Mac users also experience less computer crashes therefore eliminating or lessening the need for constant reboots or technical help.

I honestly don’t know much people who uses a Mac computer but if you would like information on DVD ripper for Mac or a video converter for Mac you can go to mp4converter.net. I believe it can also help with other personal computers and you can also use it for Ipad video converter.  

Do you love taking videos? I wish I have taken a lot more videos when RC was much younger. At least I could say that I’ve taken a lot of pictures of her. I guess it is not too late to start now especially I just got a fancy phone. I’ve been taking videos of her lately almost everyday using my phone.  However, lately I don’t have much pictures and it seems that I ran out of pictures to share here but I’ll be back for more.
This post is brought to you by mp4converter.net.

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Droid Phone

I finally got a high-tech phone a month ago. It was my gift for Christmas. I had a Blackberry about three years ago but I was not very pleased with it that I switched back to my outdated phone, the traditional just call and text kind. The internet was not fast then.

I am very pleased with this Droid that I got recently. The internet is fast just like a computer. I can use this when I go shopping somewhere and I want to compare an online price versus the store price. I was thinking of getting a nicer phone and stay with my current provider or a Tracfone. I chose to stay with my current connection so the transition will be much simpler. I still don’t have unlimited access, the only difference really is I have internet and I can do more with the phone. Now, the only thing is that I have to learn more how to use it. I still have to learn some simple things that you can do with a good cellphone like change my own ringtone. One of the first things I learned is to take pictures and videos. The pictures have good quality but not sure yet when transferred to the computer.

MyBabyClothes.Com Review and $25 GC Giveaway US Ends 1/26

MyBabyClothes.Com gave RC another dress. I chose the Bonnie Jean Black Corduroy Flowered Jumper Set. I was not able to take pictures of RC when she tried it on but the dress looks very cute. Here is a picture from their website. This two piece set is selling for $19.99 with free shipping at this time. You'll see this dress in my next posts, RC will be wearing this often.

If you have a baby especially baby girl, you should visit this site, they usually have a sale going on in addition to the  free shipping promo. They have baby clothes with awesome brands like Good Lad, Nicole Miller, Zilly Bean, Mudpie and more. I am their customer but now RC is getting bigger, their sizes range from newborn to 4T.
If you are looking for baby accessories like tutus, baby headbands and baby hats, they also have them available.

I want to thank MyBabyClothes.Com for allowing me to work with them again. They are my sponsor for the Forget the Resolutions Giveaway Blog Hop. As mentioned they gave me a dress for RC and provided a giveaway for my blog. I am excited to join this blog event. After entering my giveaway, please visit the list below for more great prizes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Switching to Your Own Domain Name?

I have been wanting to switch to my own domain and look for a web hosting company. I reserved the  one for my site, momdaughterstyle.com but I am not using it because when I did, I lost some sponsored posts and I will lose more. Apparently, when you change your domain name from blogspot.com to .com, you will lose your Google ranking and other rankings as well. Some bloggers have mentioned that it took them awhile and Google can be unpredictable when it comes to updating the page ranks.

I know in the long run having your own domain name will be helpful with getting sponsors and you have a more professional sounding website. However, I feel that my web address now is what I have already established since the start. It would not matter if I did not exert much effort in promoting it. I exerted a lot of time exchanging links and linking up before and I still do, just not as much. I know I can still redirect the readers to the new URL or web address if I do, but is it really much better?

For those who changed to your own domain, what advice can you give?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lovable Labels Friendship Pack Giveaway (Blogorama Bonanza Remix) Ends 1/27

I'm hosting a giveaway for Lovable Labels Friendship Pack $25 value. This pack has a total of 160 labels. 120 for your child and 40 labels for a friend. If you would like to purchase these labels, you can go to lovablelabels.ca.

You can view my  full review HERE.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

After you're done joining my giveaway, you can visit these other blogs who are also hosting various giveaways each of which are at least $25 in value.

Friendship Pack Lovable Labels Review (Blogorama Sponsor Highlight)

I received 120 labels for RC and an additional 40 labels for a friend of mine.   If you have a child that you take to a daycare or a school, you know that they require that you label everything in case there’s a question about what belongs to which child. It is so easy to lose your child’s stuff and labels are a great way to make people know which ones are your child’s items. RC is mostly staying home with me now but I use these items to label her stuff anyway. I like labeling her things especially when we are traveling in case something gets lost or misplaced.

I think these Lovable labels can be used with other things too like labeling items in your kitchen or if you are crafting and you can label your craft supplies.  The labels are in booklets. It is easy to use and keep your items this way because it is more organized. All the bigger labels are together and then there are tabs that separate them from the smaller labels and the fun (ours is heart-shaped) stickers. Even the friendship labels (additional 40) will be in a booklet. You'll make another mommy and another kid happy.

Lovable Labels are microwave and dishwasher safe!

You can view more about the Lovable Labels Friendship pack HERE. 160 pieces of stickers for only $24.95.

For updates and promotions, you can like Lovable Labels in Facebook and follow them in Twitter- @MyLovableLabels.

Please stay tune for the Lovable Labels Giveaway here at my blog.

Disclaimer: I received free awesome labels from Lovable Labels. No other compensation was received.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Outdated Kitchen

If I have my own place, I would love to have stainless steel appliances to replace the refrigerator, stove, microwave, and dish washer here at my apartment.  The dishwasher here does not work. I’m using it for storage. I quickly realized that washing dishes can take so much time if you are staying home so now I buy disposables. We don’t use them all the time, mostly for snacks and cereals. I have a stove with an attached oven on top, here is the picture.  I’m not complaining, just sharing. It can be more primitive than this like cooking with charcoals.  
Other places you can use stainless are the sink and faucets, and some work spaces like a preparation table.  Blomus is a maker of high-quality stainless steel products.  There is a very wide range of Blomus stainless steel products to choose from, everything from aromatherapy burners to a Blomus fireplace.  Stainless steel is a genius invention.

If you’re considering upgrading your kitchen or even other parts of your home with stainless steel, you should check out thestainlesssteelstore.com, they will have the items your need to make your home more beautiful. The links on this post is brought to you by their website.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Global Warming: Caused or Natural?

I just started a green giveaway hop in my previous blog post and there are many interesting prizes that you can win. Some prizes are natural cleaning solutions, cloth diapers and even reusable pads for women. I haven’t tried those yet. I was going to host a giveaway for a software sponsor, however, my computer failed to download a huge file.

I think these are innovative products and they can help the environment but there are other ways to learn about being “green”.  Other effective ways are geothermal energy using heat from hot springs beneath the ground, solar energy which you can use by installing solar panels, and even installing a windmill in your yard to produce electricity. There are a lot of houses here that are solar powered and I think the government is also giving tax incentives to those who install solar panels. In Texas, there are studies being made like for Austin geothermal energy solutions

Here are some photos of nature I took.

Some people debate whether global warming is being caused by people and hydrocarbons, or if it’s just a natural climate cycle for the Earth. Whether it is manmade or not, I think it would be good to care and do something in any way instead of wasting resources.

Wordless Wednesday: Be Happy!

I'm running out of pictures to show. This pic was taken two months ago.

It's time to link up your Wordless Wednesday blog posts here

1. Royalegacy: Windmills w/linky  18. A Dose of Dannie  35. DISCOVERING THE ME IN MOMMY  52. Its the Simple Things  
2. MD Style w/ Linky  19. clairejustine(linky)  36. momto8blog  53. Jen@mamaZEN  
3. MAMA TO 4 BLESSINGS W/ LINKY  20. Camera Shy w/LINKY  37. CFMC {{linky}}  54. Beautiful Spunk  
4. Verenas schoene Welt  21. Tots and Me (w/linky)  38. Nolie  55. The Not So Desperate Chef Wife  
5. The Undomestic Mommy {linky}  22. Momwich  39. Momma T and Baby E {w/ Linky}  56. The Green House  
6. CREATE WITH JOY w LINKY  23. Perfect {LINKY}  40. Grandparents - Airplanes and Dragonflies  57. MD Momma's Rambles & Reviews  
7. {Sakura Haruka} Danboard Lazy Days *LINKY*  24. Eerie Fire  41. HOOT with LINKY  58. Secondary Roads w/Linky  
8. Frugal Plus w/LINKY  25. Toronto Teacher Mom w/linky  42. Hardly a Housewife LINKY  59. Germlisch w/ linky  
9. Prison Life, w/Linky!  26. Food, Family, Phone {LINKY}  43. My Photopage - LINKY  60. Driving...{Linky}  
10. Searching 4 Simplicity {LINKY}  27. Making Mama Happy {Linky}  44. Crazy About My Baybah {Linky}  61. Thriving Despite Us LINKY  
11. Cookies! (linky)  28. Organic-Mama.ca **LINKY**  45. Barefoot Mahala w/linky  62. Gabriel (w/Linky)  
12. Bag (linky)  29. Taylor Joelle with LINKY  46. Erika Price {Linky}  63. JaMonkey w Linky  
13. Rubberduck (linky)  30. Yee Wittle Things w/ linky  47. mommy in the midwest  64. The BOAT w/LINKY  
14. Sticky Bread (linky)  31. MOW - linky  48. Trish + linky  65. all Sewn UP (linky)  
15. Moms Bookshelf {LINKY}  32. Catch My Words  49. By Word of Mouth Musings linky  
16. The Misplaced Midwesterner **w/Linky**  33. SoberJulie w/Linky  50. BusyWorkingMama (LINKY)  
17. bethere2day **LINKY**  34. project alicia *linky*  51. Crinkle Photography  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Shag Bag, Brooch and Headbands Giveaway Ends 1/30 (Green Resolutions Giveaway Hop)

Welcome to the Green Resolutions Giveaway Hop, hosted by Happy Mothering, Mama Chocolate and Purposeful Homemaking!

This is what I am giving away for the Green Resolutions Giveaway Hop. . The shag bag is from Calypso Studios, I got it awhile ago and haven't gotten a chance to use it because I seem to always use large handbags. I thought it would be perfect for this green giveaway hop. It is made of recyclable scarf scraps to create an eco-chic wristlet bag. I added a brooch and two simple black headbands. I have a lot of these headbands for crafting, you can use it as it is or use it to make your own headband design. At this time, this self-hosted giveaway is for US and Canada residents only. Next time I host my own, I'll try to include everyone.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

After you're done entering my giveaway, please visit the other 40 blogs featuring eco-friendly prize packages.  Good luck!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

San Diego Remodeling


I was watching a home remodeling marathon on TV. I do dream of having a house that I can remodel myself and put attention to details. Remodeling is one of the ways to improve the appearance and functionality of your home.  You’ll get to enjoy the upgrades while living there, and it will make selling the home easier when you’re ready to put it on the market. 
Recently we flew to San Diego and do a few touristy things there, and enjoyed it very much.  I think San Diego’s housing market has held up pretty well, because you don’t hear many foreclosures there probably because of  the large number of military in the area.  San Diego remodeling is the same as others, except the weather is very comfortable year round, so doing kitchen remodel San Diego might use slightly different materials than a remodel in other parts of the country.  While we wait out the economy we can make improvements to our home to maximize our living enjoyment while making our house worth more when we’re ready to sell in the future.
If you are from San Diego, California or if you live there and you need help with home renovation, you can visit larsremodel.com for more information. This post is brought to you by their site.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Skip Hire Solutions

We are all contributors of trash. Everyday we have to take trash to the trash chute so it doesn’t pile up here in our apartment.  You probably heard of environmentally friendly efforts of companies and individuals like recycling and reusing items to reduce waste.

One of the companies out there is the Veolia Environmental Services. They specialize in skip hire or skip bin solutions for both residential and commercial needs. This means that they provide various sizes of bins depending for dry and solid waste.  They are located here in the United States and in Australia.
For us, there is a big truck that comes by every first week of the month that picks up those furniture and other big items for recycling or for disposal. I think it is convenient that there is a schedule because that way, we know when to take out the items that are for disposal.  This also eliminates people from putting their bulky items at the street.  I notice every month, there are a lot of huge items. It’s good that these items are probably being recycled.  I like recycling, we take our cans and bottles for recycling and I also like to recycle fabrics.

This post is brought to you by http://www.veoliaes.com.au/.

DIY Sunglass or Headband holder

This is how I store my sunglasses and some headbands.  It is a space saver for me because I just use my wall to store them instead of a counter space or inside a drawer.  Just like most of my DIY projects, this one is very simple.  

This is how I made it. I just started with a fabric rope. I joined the ends by knotting them together and then continue to make more knots in between.

Really easy! I use a lot of my bathroom wall to store accessories. How do you store your sunglasses? Yours are probably better.

I also have a giveaway that you might want to enter. --Win a Shag Bag (wristlet), headbands and a flower brooch Ends 1/30

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Walgreen Updates on Express Script Patients

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you go to Walgreens to fill prescriptions under Express Script, it would be helpful to know that the contract between Walgreens and Express Script has ended on the last day of December 2011.  Unfortunately, there are many people who will be affected by this change. Those who are covered by Express Script now have to look for another drug store or pharmacy to get their medicines. However, you can join the Walgreens Prescription Savings Club and you will be able to get discounts. The membership is only $5 for an individual person or $10 for the family.

Here are my reasons for shopping at Walgreens aside from their low prices:

It is open 24 hours. Other convenience stores have expensive prices but Walgreens is cheap and convenient.

It has lot of branches , you are most likely to find a near Walgreens at your area

It can be a one stop shop. They offer a lot of items.

You can provide continued support for Walgreens by visiting Walgreens on Facebook and liking their page. You can also be a follower of Walgreens on Twitter.  They provide updates about the latest news and deals through these social media sites.  At this time, Walgreens is donating $1 to every new like on Facebook to their Way to Well Fund Partners.

Visit Sponsor's Site

Indoor Picnic

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk

I think I am starting the year right with more quality time with RC. Last year, I felt that I was at the computer a lot especially by the end of the year after our vacation. This year, I want to be able to "homeschool" RC and do more activities with her whether just at home, going to the park or wherever we go.

This is one of her favorite activities at home, to have a picnic. Sometimes, we have real food but most of the time we use toys.

I'm linking with Show And Tell Friday, Feature Friday, Foto Friday, HodgePodge Friday, Show and Tell Wednesday

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Find Great Deals at NoMoreRack

Have you joined sites that offer great deals about a product or service for a limited period of time? Nomorerack.Com is one of these sites, they showcase about eight deals per day. They offer all kinds of items like cosmetics, cameras, accessories, toys and more. They have been featured in on television and leading magazines nationwide. I notice their products are also well described giving you a lot of idea about the item before you make a purchase.
I just signed up today and still in the process of deciding which one I am going to order. I saw other bloggers who already made purchases from the site so I am confident to shop at NoMoreRack.Com

How nomorerack works?
They always hunt for great deals, if a manufacturer closed, has overstock or cancelled orders, they take the items from factories, designers and other companies so they can offer these items for much less than the actual price.  You can get as much as 90% off the regular price.
Aside from the daily deals, they have the “insanity deals”. These are additional deals that goes live at various time periods within the day. With the Insanity deal, they also offer up to 90% off the regular price.

What else to love at NoMoreRack?
If you love gadgets, I believe this is a great site for you too. Gadgets can be very expensive but they can be offered at an insane price at NoMoreRack.
You can refer your friends to nomorerack.com and you can accumulate points and get free items! Free items includes jewelries, kitchen items etc. When you sign up, you will be given a unique referral link that you can use to share with your friends or readers.  You can tweet, share it in Facebook, or blog about your unique link. I love it when companies do this. I get more motivated to share the website to people.
Shipping is only $2.00 anywhere in the United States! Hawaii is always an exemption when it comes to low shipping so this is good news for me, another site that offers low shipping.

This post is brought to you by nomorerack.com.

Wordless Wednesday: Celebrate Your Birthday Twice W/ Linky

This was RC's birthday at home.

Thank you so much for linking up with me for the past two weeks. It's time to link up your wordless/ wordful Wednesday posts here.

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

RC's 3rd Birthday

We celebrated RC's birthday at the Hawaii Children's Discovery Center. It was a simple celebration but it was fun. I was anxious about it a few days before the party. We rushed into ordering the cake just a day before. I had to beg the bakery to make it ready at a certain time. I finished doing grab bags also just a day before.

We had the choice of either an indoor or outdoor party but to be on the safer side, I chose the indoor just in case it rains. I only invited four families and one couple. Unfortunately, one family did not come so that was a waste because I paid for each person but overall, I'm glad to have a party for RC this year because last year, we just took her to the zoo.

These pictures were after eating, it was cake time and then craft time for the kids.

These pictures below was after the clean up. We were still able to enjoy the place a little bit. The center also closes early so we were not able to do much after the party.

RC's 1st and 2nd birthday:


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