Friday, June 25, 2010

What's your sport?

I did not really play sports even in highschool, I'm just always part of the cheering team. But bowling was something I did inconsistently and I tried it again weeks ago (May 31st to be exact). I'm surprised I did okay.

We had to rent  bowling shoes. I made sure I had socks on.

I've got to have the lightest ball, yellow.

me playing--  we had the side rails up, maybe next time, there's no need. =)

In between playing, I was eating onion rings and RC was eating pretzels. I think she got tired so it was time to go. She's my human clock, alarm clock in the morning and she tells me the time to go home.

Bowling is awesome. I wish I can keep doing it every week.

For those who asked, yes I have a new DLSR (finally!) but these photos above were taken with my "on the go" small camera.


Mom Fashion World said...

What a good activity with your daughter.
Few weeks ago Mr.Freddy and I went bowling, it was fun yet not safe for him. He was all over the place grabbing those heavy balls which scared me to death that it might drop and hurt his foot.
I wish I had my camera with me.

Alice Law said...

I love bowling game, kiahahah! My late daddy loved it to bits yet I always hit the drain...:p

Looking forward for your DSLR photos!^-6

Hapy Sunday!

mikenbecca said...

I love bowling and like you, I gotta have the lightest ball or else my arms will fall off hahaha.

It's awesome that you already got your DLSR..Congrats! It's great noh?

BTW, when are you planning to go home???

Anonymous said...

YEY to the DSLR love...congratzz post some fantastic photos....

and I love bowling as well...I wonder if I can play here...

take care

Dressing Up For Me said...

I tried playing bowling before but I can´t handle the weight of the balls.hahaha!

Looks like you had a lot of fun! RC´s so cutie in red. ;)

Unknown said...

i am just so not the sporty kind of girl. I can barely put my one foot in front of the other. lol

but that looks so much fun! i'm sure RC enjoyed it!


PS: Maybe you wanna check out the new blog my friend and I made. It's everything NYC and more!

Cherie said...

hi! i got hungry with the food pictures and yey to the dslr! im sure you'll take great photos. you look great in your new dress really ;) bisous to the little one, she is so cute!


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